“What caught my attention from Terminal was the caliber of the customer company and the solid engineering team. After accepting the offer, my salary raised almost six times”
Join TerminalMeet Ignacio Alonso, Software Engineer at Everly Health via Terminal in Mexico City. Ignacio was working at a local startup prior to joining Terminal, which required extremely long hours with no support. He felt like he constantly needed to be plugged in with zero time for his life outside of work or to attend to his health. The pace of the work and lack of balance resulted in poor physical and mental health. With Terminal and Everly Health, Ignacio found everything that he was missing and looking for. He now works with a solid remote engineering team, has back up, and is supported throughout his work days. Additionally, Ignacio is now compensated with a high salary (almost 6 times what he was making before) that accurately reflects the time that he puts in. The newly found work/life balance also means he has time to take care of himself and engage in the passions that he most enjoys like jiu-jitsu and travel to Peru and Veracruz. Ignacio can spend more time with his girlfriend and his family.
One benefit that was tremendously important to Ignacio and different than in his prior role is that there is no need to track down payments or benefits. As a full-time employee, those are provided in a timely and efficient manner. He also enjoys benefits like the internet stipend and home office setup. These were missing pieces for him in his prior role and Ignacio is pleased to have found them with Terminal and Every Health.
Everly Health has found a devoted employee who cares tremendously about his work and is committed to being a part of the developer community. Not only is Everly Health happy that they found the perfect person for the important role on their team, but they can remain certain that he will stay and continue to grow professionally with the organization long-term. Ignacio is highly satisfied with his role, his contributions, the merit based raises that he does not have to chase down, and the possibility of promotions in his future career path with the company.
Te presentamos a Ignacio Alonso, Software Engineer en Everly Health via Terminal desde Ciudad de México. Ignacio hacía parte de una startup local antes de unirse a Terminal y trabajaba largas jornadas sin apoyo o backup. Ignacio se sentía en una constante necesidad de estar conectado dejando a un lado el tiempo para su vida personal y su salud. El ritmo de su trabajo y la falta de balance, resultó en problemas físicos y mentales para su salud. Con Terminal y Everly Health, Ignacio encontró todo lo que estaba buscando. Ahora trabaja con un equipo de ingeniería de software sólido y en remoto, y cuenta con apoyo constante durante su jornada laboral. Adicionalmente, Ignacio cuenta con una compensación bastante competitiva (casi 6 veces el salario que ganaba antes) que refleja los esfuerzos y calidad de trabajo que dedica. Su nuevo balance entre vida y trabajo, le permite cuidar de sí mismo y dedicar tiempo a sus pasiones como lo son el jiu-jitsu y los viajes a Perú y Veracruz. Ignacio puede compartir más tiempo con su novia y su familia.
Un beneficio muy importante para él y diferente a sus previos roles es que no tiene que perseguir a nadie por sus pagos o beneficios. Como empleado de tiempo completo, estos son otorgados de manera eficiente y a tiempo. Además también disfruta de los beneficios de gasto para internet de alta velocidad y una oficina remota ergonómica y adecuada. Estas eran piezas que le faltaban de su anterior trabajo e Ignacio está feliz de haberlas encontrado a través de Terminal y Everly Health.
Everly Health encontró un empleado comprometido con su trabajo y su comunidad de desarrolladores. No sólo Everly Health está contenta de haber encontrado la persona perfecta para un rol importante en su equipo, sino que pueden tener la certeza de que Ignacio permanecerá para crecer su carrera profesional con ellos a largo plazo. Ignacio está satisfecho con su rol, sus contribuciones, y los aumentos salariales que ya no tiene que perseguir, al igual que la posibilidad de contar con un plan de carrera y promociones claras con Everly Health.