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How much does it cost to hire a software developer?

Understand the cost savings to hire developers in Canada, Latin America, and Europe vs. the U.S.

The cost to hire a software developer in the U.S. is significantly higher than hiring a remote engineer in Canada, LatAm, and Europe. Hiring a remote team through Terminal will save you 40 to 60% over hiring domestically. Our savings calculator will help you build your team and visualize your savings.

Developer Hiring Details

Enter the hiring region, developer roles, developer seniority, and team size to visualize your cost savings hiring globally.

Hiring Market

CanadaEuropeLatin America

Developer Role

Frontend DeveloperBackend DeveloperFull Stack DeveloperQA Automation EngineerMobile Developer

Developer Seniority Level


Number of Developers

Projected Savings

Cost Summary For First Year

Total to hire team in U.S.

USD ...

Total to hire team globally with Terminal

USD ...

Total year 1 savings

USD ...

Your Savings Over Time

* Projected savings are based on the average hire based on your selected criteria. Actual savings can change depending on the specific employees hired.

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